For the gals in our outdoor social club who want a little more from the community, we’re introducing our first ever Plein Air Social Club Ambassador Program.
To become an ambassador of the community, we’ll ask you to host 4 meet-ups per year. (We’ll make it easy for you—we promise. It might just be a hot girl walk or a beer at a brewery.) Location and agenda are all up to you, meaning it’s a golden opportunity to find new pals for that Sunday morning hike your friends can’t seem to give up their hangovers for.
You don’t have to be big on social media (that’s our job), but we will ask you to post when and where these meetups are happening so that girls can get involved.
And then obviously we’ll have you BeReal! and take some photos and video to capture the moment. Because every adventure deserves documentation.
Finally, we’ll have some exclusive perks to the gig—but that’s for us to know and you to find out. Apply to become a Plein Air community ambassador below.
Apply Here